Thursday, 30 June 2016

Craig Curk - Tips to Become a Stronger Youth Sports Coach

As a youth soccer coach who focuses on mentorship and community-building, Craig Curk wants to help all of his players achieve their goals. He knows that taking on this role is a calling that requires a big heart and a lot of patience. Though there are many different styles that one might follow, he says that there are a few techniques that all of the best coaches employ.

Craig Curk

  • Strong coaches use the sport as a vehicle for educating their players about life. Children will come up against hardship and obstacles in every sport, and using these moments as teaching opportunities help kids build a stronger sense of their capabilities.
  • With a focus on personalization, dynamic coaches approach their players’ individual learning styles from a variety of angles to ensure that all children receive what they need. Understanding how each child responds to criticism or recovers from a difficult situation is key to building a dynamic and successful team.
  • Coaches should always harbor compassion regardless of what happens on the field. Helping children build mental toughness is never a result of belittling or embarrassment. Players improve their performance when they believe in their skills and take chances in a supportive environment.
  • Successful coaches know how to communicate and listen. Working with numerous moving parts, athletes should know that their contributions are valuable and feel empowered to speak.

Craig Curk played Division I soccer at Xavier University as an undergraduate and holds a National “D” License. He is a business owner in the electronics industry.
